FxPro帮助中心,FxPro,FAQ,常见问题: 关于账号常见问题回复


您可以开设多个模拟账号。模拟账号可以通过FxPro Direct后台充值模拟资金。请注意,模拟账号会在180天冻结。另外,我们的MT4和MT5模拟账号的最多开设70个仓位。

Although demo accounts present real market conditions and prices, please keep in mind that they are simulations and cannot always reasonably reflect all of the market conditions as during highly volatile or illiquid periods (e.g. market openings, news announcements) they may not behave in the same manner as live accounts.

Margin and leverage settings may vary between your demo and live account and you should not expect any success with the Demo Account to be replicated in your live trading.

For this reason, it is strongly recommended that demo accounts are viewed solely as a learning tool for inexperienced traders or a place for testing new trading strategies.
